Activities including Ponies, Bowling and a trip to the Park 15th – 21st August 2022

Thank fully we have had a cooler week and residents enjoyed sitting outside in the garden, playing games, doing a quiz and listening to music. Games this week included Play Your Cards Right, Card games, bowling and bingo.

We had a week off from the bowling club but a few residents enjoyed an afternoon at the Friendship Lunch at the Norfolk Arms Pub where they had a lovely meal, singer and game of bingo. A resident also enjoyed an afternoon stroll to Ecclesfield Park to watch people playing Crown Green Bowls. We were due to have a game at the end but unfortunately it became too cold so they came back home.

Revered Sam came to hold his first Holy Communion this week and quite a few residents joined in with prayer and loved singing to hymns. Singer Denise Johnson came to entertain us this week and we all loved the Therapy Ponies who came and were really well behaved.