Activities including Church Service and Chairobics 16th – 22nd January 23

Another fab week of activities and entertainment here at Nightingales. We started off the week with a trip to the local bowling club at Chapeltown Church and Birthday girl Anne went and they all wished her happy birthday and sang at the end of the session.
Entertainers this week were the wonderful Alan Turner who was breaking his voice in after a bought of flu and the lovely Keeley May who had residents singing along on the microphone and dancing along.
Reverend Sam came to hold a service and lots of residents joined in saying prayer and singing hymns although it was extremely busy with visitors so next time, we will be holding it in a different room.
Other activities this week included, Dominoes, target games, snakes and ladders, jigsaws and number bingo.
Residents had fun making flowers using salt dough and doing exercises using pom poms and scarves. The also had sensory items, therapy animals and dolls throughout the week.