Activities for week 20th – 26th March 23

21st March 2023
Residents had a visit from Smile Pony Therapy who brought Harry and Leo who were very friendly and everyone loved stroking and chatting to their handlers.

22nd March 23
Residents had a lovely morning having a few games of Dominoes and a good natter over a cup of tea.
This afternoon Residents had fun making Easter Bonnets, gluing, sticking and making a mess. Watch this space to see the finished products ready for our competition.

23rd March 23
Today residents had fun playing with a large beachball and doing chair exercises to some nostalgic music. They also enjoyed Holy Communion with Revered Sam, being blessed and singing hymns together. A couple of residents had a last minute trip to Meadowhall and had a lovely meal at Frankie & Bennys and a browse round a few shops which was tiring but fun.

24th March 23
This morning residents played Musical Bingo and were brilliant at guessing the songs. This afternoon we carried on with the music theme and residents had a sing along and were playing with musical instruments having a great time making lots of noise.