Activities 5th – 11th June 23

5th June 23
Residents had a nice day playing What’s in the box guessing game although we had a few cheaters! Barbara and Brenda went to the local church for bowling club and enjoyed socializing playing dominoes, bowling and having tea and biscuits. Brenda was thrilled to win a trophy for most improved player.

6th June 23
The fantastic Kevin Kitchen came to entertain us today and had residents singing and dancing along with him and his guitar.

7th June 23
Today residents put their aiming to the test and had fun playing darts. (Jane was very thankful that they are safety darts lol.)

8th June 23
Residents had fun doing exercises using pom poms and resistance bands today. Richard and Ena had a trip out in the sunshine to Hillsborough Park and had such a good time cycling and trying to dodge the ducks. Obviously they were famished afterwards so had a cheeky visit to the pub for a pint and some dinner.

9th June 23
Alan Turner came to entertain us with his lovely voice and again residents were singing and dancing along having a great time. The sun was shining today so we got our suncream on and sat outside with a drink whilst doing a quiz.

11th June 23
Today our lovely Jean turned 90. She celebrated with her family and friends at Nightingales, enjoying a buffet, cake and a good old sing song. We even managed to encourage Jean to sit outside in the garden.