Activities 3rd April – 9th April 2023

Mon 3rd April
Activity Co-Ordinator Jane was on annual leave but a couple of our residents enjoyed a trip out to the local pub. They had a slow stroll down to the Travelers Inn and had a lovely meal followed by a massive desert and a shandy.

Tues 4th April
Today residents had a lovely morning playing dominoes and Kevin Kitchen came to entertain everyone in the afternoon and had them up singing and dancing along having a great time.

Wed 5th April
This morning residents enjoyed playing musical bingo and reminiscing about the songs. In the afternoon they played basket ball and fishing and were all fantastic with their aim.

Thurs 6th April
Reverend Sam came to give Holy Communion this morning and we had a lovely group joining in with prayer and singing hymns. This afternoon Lori came to sing and again residents were singing and dancing along having a great time as always.

Fri 7th April
Today Ena celebrated her 90th birthday with family and had a lovely time playing with her great grandchildren and 2 birthday cakes since it was a special day. Why not eh!
Residents had a nice day playing easter games including pin the tail on the bunny and pinata. They also had a fab afternoon doing chair exercises and popping bubbles.