Activities 3rd – 7th July 23

3rd July 23
Residents enjoyed playing What’s in the Box guessing game and bowling today with the help of a lovely work experience Alex. They also enjoyed being pampered at the hairdressers today.

4th July 23
Residents had lots of fun playing magnetic fishing in the morning but the pesky things kept getting away! In the afternoon a few residents sat carefully painting some summer pictures whilst having a good gossip and reminisce.

5th July 23
Today residents had a nice morning having their nails painted by Beautician Julie and a few enjoyed playing card games. This afternoon we had a visit from Elmore Nursery and the children loved playing with residents using a beachball and bubbles. They were very well behaved and cute. We can’t wait for their next visit in a couple of weeks’ time.

7th July 23
Alan Turner came to entertain us all with his beautiful voice and handsome smile. Residents were singing along and dancing in their chairs having a wonderful time.