Activities 27th March – 2nd April 2023

27th March 23
Residents had a lovely day doing some Easter colouring and a couple went to bowling club at the local but unfortunately, we didn’t get any photographs this week.

28th March 23
Today was one of our residents Pauline’s 80th Birthday. Everyone had a lovely day celebrating with cake and playing party games including bash the balloon. Gary Grace came to sing in the afternoon and lots of residents were singing and dancing along having a great time.

29th March 23
Wednesday was so much fun as we had a visit from Woolley Wood School who came to do an Easter Egg hunt and play games. We are unable to show photos until we have permission from their parents but rest assured everyone had the best time. Residents were worn out come the afternoon but enjoyed doing a jigsaw and playing What’s in the Box trying to guess the items inside.

30th March23
We had a lovely donation of flowers so residents enjoyed a bit of flower arranging and they looked beautiful in our lounge and dining area. Residents continued with the therapeutic day and did some more Easter Art and Crafts whilst having a good natter and reminisce.

31st March 23
Musical Bingo went down a treat today and it was nice to have a couple of visitors join in with the fun, although they weren’t as good as us at guessing the songs. Russ Elliot came to entertain us in the afternoon and was kind enough to help give the prizes out for our wonderful Easter Bonnet Competition and we celebrated everyone’s hard work with singing and dancing.