Activities 26th – 30th June 23

27th June 23
Today residents were entertained by Gary Grace and enjoyed singing and dancing with each other.

28th June 23
A few residents had a lovely time at Ice Sheffield. They trusted staff to take them on the ice and were loving it. They enjoyed lunch in the café then afterwards managed to catch some children who were practicing figure skating which was amazing.

29th June 23
A busy day was had by all today. We had some children visit from Woolley Wood School to join in with The Puppet Gang who came. They were brilliant with some wonderful puppets from Elton to Elvis. The finale was outstanding with huge bubbles that were able to go over people.

30th June 23
This morning residents enjoyed playing Musical Bingo and some with the help of family members. Russ Elliot came to sing this afternoon and entertained us all with his fantastic voice and dancing.