Activities 12th – 18th June 23

12th June 23
Today was very hot which makes us very tired and sleepy but we managed to enjoy playing bowling and colouring some pictures in today.

13th June 23
Residents had fun playing with a remote controlled car and a target shooting game. I must say John was particularly good with his aim so thank god for safety bullets lol. We had a show ‘Mother Knows Best’ this afternoon and residents enjoyed reminiscing and having a sing along with them.

14th June 23
We had a nice morning being pampered having our nails painted and some residents enjoyed playing Pop up Pirate. This afternoon some residents also had a nice time playing dominoes whilst having a gossip together.

15th June 23
Another beautiful day so we took advantage and Reverend Sam gave Holy Communion outside in the garden. This afternoon a few residents enjoyed doing a jigsaw.

16th June 23
Today residents had a fabulous afternoon watching the Punch and Judy Show followed by some magic and balloon making. Irene was the star of the show and managed to make some chocolate appear yum!

17th & 18th June 23
Another warm weekend but we managed to encourage some residents to play our new tin can target game and do a jigsaw amongst other activities.