Activities 10th – 16th April 23

Mon 10th April
Today was Easter Bank Holiday and our residents had a lovely day eating lots of chocolate and relaxing with some music. We had lots of visitors from family and friends and it was a busy day.

Tues 11th April
Today residents enjoyed playing Dominoes whilst having a gossip and a brew. A couple of residents had a trip to Wentworth Garden Centre. It was a bit nippy but they braved the cold and had a lovely scenic walk through the gardens and really enjoyed feeding some animals in the farm followed by a meal in the conservatory. Residents also enjoyed Barry Bond who came to sing this afternoon. It’s a while since he visited us but went down a treat and everyone was joining in sing and dancing.

Wed 12th April
This morning residents enjoyed finishing off some of their St George Day flags and others were enjoyed relaxing and reading magazines and newspapers. Some of our residents were pampered by our beautician Julie who came to do some spring themed nail art this week.

Thurs 13th April
Residents had a nice morning joining in with a group quiz and even some of our relatives joined in. This afternoon we got everyone moving those arms and legs doing chair exercises to some nostalgic music whilst using pom poms.

Fri 14th April
This morning a few residents had a trip to Chapeltown Market, unfortunately it was very wet and not many stalls but that didn’t stop the ladies shopping who loved looking in a couple of the charity shops and found some lovely buys. This afternoon Paul Barrie came to sing and Betty decided to put her new dress on she bought this morning and she looked amazing. Residents were smiling and singing along having a fab time.