Activities 9th – 15th October 23

Monday 9th October 23

Residents kicked the week off with Play Your Cards Right and a couple of residents enjoyed an afternoon at the local church playing games and celebrating all things Harvest Festival.

Tuesday 10th October 23

We had a fun morning doing some armchair exercises which turned in to throwing the large beach ball around the room to each other which still gets those limbs moving. Denise Johnson came to sing this afternoon and had us singing and dancing along having a great time.

Wednesday 11th October 23

Today we held a beach day! The weather outside wasn’t good but that didn’t stop us playing in sand and paddling in the pools. Residents were relaxing whilst soaking their feet and reminiscing about their holidays. We also had fun playing some arcade games and no beach day is complete without fish and chips and ice cream.

Thursday 12th October 23

Reverend Sam joined us this morning to hold Holy Communion and this afternoon a couple of residents went to a Friendship Lunch at the Devonshire Arms. They enjoyed a meal and the most beautiful opera singer followed by a raffle which Ernest was chuffed as he won a box of chocolates which he saved for his wife.

Friday 13th October 23

Today we had a Punch and Judy Show. Patsy was amazing at entertaining everyone and interacting with them all. Irene helped out again with the magic show and was the star of the show.

Saturday 14th October 23

We were honored to watch one of our residents family members do ballroom dancing. They blew us away with their talent and generosity as they gave up their spare time for free. We hope they enjoyed it as much as we did they were amazing.