Activities 14th – 18th August 23

Monday 14th August 23

Residents had a nice day playing Play Your Cards Right, bowling and being pampered at the hairdressers.

Tuesday 15th August 23

Today Barry Bond came to entertain us all and residents were singing and dancing along having a great time. We also had a surprise visit from 3 Shar Pei puppies which was lovely and residents sat cuddling them. If only we could keep one!

Wednesday 16th August 23

What a fabulous day we had today at Cleethorpes. The weather was perfect and the journey was good. Residents enjoyed a visit to the famous Papas Fish & Chip shop and a stroll on the sea front. A few braved the slots and had lots of fun. Elaine tried so hard to win a teddy but we gave up and bought one from the shop instead lol. Brenda played basketball and staff had fun chasing the ball around the arcade 😊 No trip is complete without a proper British ice cream whilst sat in the sun with it dripping all over. What lovely memories we made and a big thank you to the relatives who joined us for the day.

Friday 18th August 23

This morning a few residents played Card Bingo but were distracted by a lovely visit from an old colleague Cassie who brought beautiful baby Olivia for cuddles. Paul Barrie came to torment the staff and entertain residents. As always they were singing and dancing along and staff hiding behind curtains from him.