Monday 3rd March 25
Residents had a nice day playing What’s in the Box guessing game and Brenda and Muriel enjoyed a trip out to the local church for games, cake and a gossip.
Today was pancake day and we had lots of fun flipping pancakes and Ben from SWFC joined us to do some exercising. The Everly Brothers came to entertain us this afternoon and had everyone singing and clapping along.
Julie pampered the ladies with some beautiful manicures and residents enjoyed playing with a parachute and went in the sensory pod.
Barbara celebrated her birthday today and we enjoyed some beautiful singing from St Thomas Moore school choir who came to visit. Residents also had fun bashing a beachball around and doing some St Patrick’s Day colouring in.
Alan came to sing for us this morning and residents had fun playing card bingo in the afternoon. We also helped Margaret to celebrate her 90th Birthday today.