Activities 29th July – 3rd August 24

Monday 29th July 24

Today residents enjoyed spending time in the garden enjoying the sunshine and doing a quiz. They played darts and Roger enjoyed celebrating his birthday.

Tuesday 30th July 24

Residents had a nice morning sat in the garden doing some colouring and having a gossip. They played games on the interactive table and had fun shaking pom poms and dancing along to Russ Elliot who came to sing.

Wednesday 31st July 24

Julie came to pamper the ladies and enjoyed playing Play Your Cards Right. The children came from Elmore Nursery and were interacting lovely with the residents playing with bubbles and exploring in the garden.

Thursday 1st August 24

Dorien celebrated her birthday today with cards, cake and visitors. Residents had a busy day playing games in the arcade, visiting our pub, doing jigsaws and Reverend Sam came to give Holy Communion.

Friday 2nd Augus 24

Residents had a lovely day playing card games, visiting the sweet shop, playing bingo, looking through memory books and listening to new singer Ricky Rydell.

Saturday 3rd August 24

Today we took advantage of the nice weather and extra staff by taking a couple of residents to the seaside in town and they all had a lovely time.