Activities 23rd – 27th October 23

Monday 23rd October 23

We kicked the week off playing What’s in the Box guessing game although there was a little bit of cheating going on! 😊 Residents enjoyed being pampered at the hairdressers and this afternoon had fun playing bowling.

Tuesday 24th October 23

Residents had a lovely morning playing fishing and the concentration on their faces was brilliant.  Gary Grace came to sing in the afternoon and everyone was singing and dancing having a great time.

Wednesday 25th October 23

This morning residents enjoyed playing games on the Interactive table. Elmore Nursery was due to come this afternoon but unfortunately, they couldn’t make it again so we had a good old sing along instead to some nostalgic music. Julie also came to make our ladies nails look pretty.

Thursday 26th October 23

A few residents had a lovely morning getting messy carving pumpkins ready for our competition on the 31st. Please pop in to vote for your favorite.  Nothing goes to waste at Nightingales and Jane made her spicy pumpkin soup which went down a treat. In the afternoon residents joined in to do exercises using pom poms which was good fun.

Friday 27th October 23

Today residents had a nice morning playing Halloween Bingo and Paul Carter came to sing this afternoon and residents loved him and were singing and dancing along as always.