Activities 29th January – 2nd February 24

Monday 29th January 24

Residents had a nice morning playing Play Your Cards Right followed by an afternoon of Target Games. Lynn also came to pamper our ladies and gentlemen today.

Tuesday 30th January 24

Today we had a relaxed day listening to music and reading newspapers and magazines. Leanimals came to visit us in the afternoon and brought a rabbit, skinny pig and tortoise which everyone loved to feed and stroke.

Wednesday 31st January 24

This morning residents enjoyed having their nails manicured by Julie. We got our sensory items out which went down a treat and a couple of residents had a relaxing time in the sensory lounge with Jane. This afternoon we had a visit from Elmore Nursery and enjoyed colouring some beautiful Chinese New Year pictures in.

Thursday 1st February 24

Pinch punch 1st of the month and residents had a fabulous morning with a large parachute waving it up and down whilst bouncing a balloon on it. We had some new carpet bowls delivered which residents had fun trying out this afternoon.

Friday 2nd February 24

Jane warmed up her vocal chords this morning with a few games of bingo which residents, staff and visitors all enjoyed. Kevin Kitchen came to sing in the afternoon and lots of residents were singing and dancing along having a great time.