Activities 1st – 6th July 24

Tuesday 2nd July 24

 Residents had a nice day doing word searches and colouring pictures all England Football themed.  They did some chair exercises using pom poms and loved Denise Johnson who came to sing.

Wednesday 3rd July 24

Today residents had fun playing carpet bowls.

Thursday 4th July 24

Reverend Sam came to give Holy Communion today and residents enjoyed saying prayer and singing hymns together.

Friday 5th July 24

Residents did some flower arranging with some beautiful flowers that were donated and had fun playing card games. Woolley Wood school came to visit this afternoon and had a brilliant time playing in the garden, arcade and visiting the sweetshop before enjoying the Punch and Judy Show with us all.

Saturday 6th July 24

Nightingale Ninjas had a brilliant time at the English Institute of Sport again for Motion Community Games where they played bean bag toss, egg and spoon and did exercise using pom poms. All our Ninjas played really well and we were buzzing when we came 2nd and brought another trophy home.