Activities 19th – 25th February 2024

Monday 19th February 24

Residents enjoyed having their hair done at the hairdressers this morning and playing land a letter quiz. This afternoon Julie had her first visit to the local church and had a great time meeting new people and playing bowling and dominoes.

Tuesday 20th February 24

This morning residents enjoyed doing some art and crafts followed by playing games on the Interactive table. In the afternoon Russ Elliot came to sing for us which was enjoyed by all.

Wednesday 21st February 24

Julie came to pamper the ladies this morning and made their nails look beautiful. Residents had fun playing quoits and joining in with a group quiz. This afternoon we got those limbs flexing using resistance bands.

Thursday 22nd February 24

Reverand Sam came to give Holy Communion and we had a large take up of residents who enjoyed singing hymns and saying prayer. This afternoon we put an Elvis Film on and residents enjoyed watching it with some popcorn.

Friday 23rd February 24

Alan Turner came to sing for us this morning and residents were singing and dancing along. In the afternoon they enjoyed playing card games and animal bingo.