Activities 18th – 22nd December 23

Monday 18th December 23

Residents had a nice day listening to some Christmas carols and doing some Target practice. We had some expandable snow which didn’t go down very well as the texture was weird and it was more like a slush Puppie but that didn’t stop John getting his hands dirty.

Tuesday 19th December 23

This morning residents enjoyed playing Quoits and their aims were pretty good. Gary Grace came to sing in the afternoon and had everyone ups singing and dancing and keeping in the Christmas spirit.

Wednesday 20th December 23

Today some residents enjoyed relaxing and doing some Christmas colouring whilst listening to music. Kay was a gem and fiddled with the pesky paper chain and had a fab hack by stapling it instead of sticking.

Thursday 21st December 23

Reverend Sam came to give Holy Communion today and we had lots of residents joining in saying prayer and singing to some old hymns.

Friday 22nd December 23

Christmas is drawing closer so we had a lovely day singing to Christmas Carols and songs. We used the Interactive Table which was brilliant to have the lyrics on for those who couldn’t remember all the words.  We were also blessed to have a visit from Gleebygum who came to sing Carols in the evening.