Activities 16th – 22nd October 23

Monday 16th October 23

Residents had a fun morning playing Land a Letter game and did brilliant at naming lots of things starting with the same letter. This afternoon residents enjoyed playing Bowling on the interactive table.

Tuesday 17th October 23

Today residents enjoyed colouring some Halloween pictures in to decorate the home and were dep in concentration. Russ Elliot came to sing this afternoon and had everyone singing and dancing along having a great time.

Wednesday 18th October 23

Residents had a nice relaxing morning having their nails manicure by beautician Julie and playing Dominoes. This afternoon we decorated some biscuits with icing and sweets then the best part was eating them all with a cuppa.

Friday 20th October 23

This morning residents were a little quiet so a few enjoyed doing a Halloween word search/ Paul Barrie came to sing this afternoon and everyone perked up and had fun singing along.