Activities 11th – 15th September 23

Monday 11th Sept 23

We started the week off with a game of Play Your Cards Right and bowling. Residents also enjoyed being pampered by hairdresser Lynn today.

Tuesday 12th Sept 23

This morning residents enjoyed playing Musical Bingo and singing to some nostalgic music. Keeley May came to entertain us this afternoon and we all had a great time singing over the microphone and dancing along.

Wednesday 13th Sept 23

Today we had a quiet relaxing day colouring in some pictures over tea and a good gossip. This afternoon residents had fun playing games on the interactive table.

Thursday 14th Sept 23

A busy day today reading magazines and playing with bubbles. Rev Sam came to give Holy Communion this morning and residents played memory cup game and played really well.

Friday 15th Sept 23

Annie came to sing today and residents were up singing and dancing along together having a brilliant time.