Activities 19th – 23rd August 24

Monday 19th August 24

Residents had a nice morning with the local playgroup playing with bubbles and games. This afternoon they had fun playing bowling and hover ball shooting game

Tuesday 20th August 24

This morning residents enjoyed playing games on the Interactive table, doing word searches and playing with sensory items. They had a great time in the afternoon playing on the penny machines in the arcade and Paul Barrie came to sing and entertain us all.


Wednesday 21st August 24

Julie came to pamper the ladies this morning and residents enjoyed playing snakes and ladders, doing exercises using a large parachute and had a relaxing time in the sensory pod.

Thursday 22nd August 24

Today was Reverend Sam’s last ever service for Nightingales as he moves to a new post in Rotherham. We are very sad to see him go but wished him all the best and he did very well to compose himself when opening his presents and saying his final goodbyes. Residents had a nice relaxing afternoon doing some painting and having a gossip.

Friday 23rd August  24

Residents had a nice morning playing musical bingo followed by an afternoon of singing and dancing with Kevin Kitchen who came to sing.