Activities 3rd – 7th June 24

Monday 3rd June 2024

Residents had a nice day being pampered by hairdresser Lynn and had fun playing Darts, Carpet Bowls and Basketball.

Tuesday 4th June 2024

Today Elaine celebrated her birthday and loved a trip out to the Crucible where she enjoyed the tea dance. Residents played games on the interactive table and were singing and dancing along to Denise Johnson who came to entertain everyone this afternoon.

Wednesday 5th June 2024

Julie came to pamper the ladies this morning giving them some beautiful nails. Residents enjoyed doing a general knowledge quiz and playing Play Your Cards Right.  Unfortunately, the children from Elmore couldn’t visit as planned this afternoon so what else can you do on a rainy afternoon apart from sing your heart out on the Karaoke and make it rain a bit more. 😊

Thursday 6th June 2024

Reverend Sam came to give Holy Communion this morning and we had lots of residents participating. In the afternoon residents coloured in some V E Day pictures and reminisced about the war days as children.